The World and humanity are trapped in turbulence destruction. Let's explore together why the progressive world of the 21st century is not able to stop the third world war and together friendly discusses whether nuclear weapons will be used. Why are people not protected by various international laws, constitutions, human rights ?
Why in the age of scientific and technological progress people fight and kill each other? We are not going to blame Russia, Ukraine, USA or China. We look at this issue globally. Where and when the humanity did make a mistake? This, of course, did not happen today ... Let's go back to the origins of the creation of mankind, where the main role was assigned to the mother. Several millennia ago sons raised by great mothers created powerful empires and civilizations: Egyptian, Roman, Sumerian. These civilizations entered the world with their powerful cultures and teachings. But having distorted the role of the mother, changing the main axis of dogma, they began to interpret it in their own way. And even if there is some truth in the legends about Mesopotamia, then they are incredible. How the mother brought them up with dignity, what they instilled and what values passed on to their children, future kings and queens. For thousands of years, various prophets born on the Promised Land, destroyed the basis of motherhood - love, values. They gradually took away from the hands of the mother the right to educate their children. Initially, people had unlimited faith in God, then prophets - mediators came between people and God. Peoples had been divided, given each a prophet and a religion. The church laws were adopted to dictate their rules and subjugate the people. In order to promote its interests, it was created "Holy Inquisition", designed to combat "heresy" witch hunts, etc. Today, for earthlings of the 21st century, it seems insanity. But for each time, their own prophets are invented and the inquisition. That's what they did with us. Nowadays people of course continue to honor the church and celebrate some church holidays, but they do it rather according to tradition, no former fanaticism, religious canons do not work. People stopped believing in virtual God, instead, obsequiously believe in virtual money for these pieces of paper they are ready to unleash wars, kill and exterminate. If you ask when more sacrifices were made, during the years of the Inquisition or in our time, during the wars of the 21st century, the number of victims, burned in the fires of the Middle Ages, it will seem minuscule. Perhaps, centuries later, our descendants will also find this insanity and they will consider us either mentally retarded or barbarians. But the fact remains. In order not to lose power, they continue to dispose of the peoples and states the International Federal Bank, the IMF, international laws and human rights were established.
The prophets-intermediaries - all kinds of international corporations, funds and
banks have appeared. These cancer metastases spread throughout the world at the speed of light crushing all the humanity. Along with this, jewelry work on the reproduction of vices, eradication of universal and family values was done which continues till today.
Eventually, all states and peoples were driven into vicious financial banking and credit matrix. This system works for itself, for its own benefits. It ruins countries that have strengthened or can somehow interfere the system by punishing with wars, sanctions, property and accounts seizing etc. Even culture appeared under sanctions ...
By the way, even the great Genghis Khan would forbid ruining the culture of the conquered countries, and the tax for the Golden Hordes were only 5%.
Today's freaks make all the mean acts in the world by someone else’s hands, they never fit into wars, they just kindle them, supplying weapons, forcing fight and kill.
The state, in turn robs his citizens, forgetting about humanity and family values. It refers to the law and votes about "holy" debt to extinguish unsustainable loans, interest and
taxes. But when sending people to war, to death, the state immediately remembers forgotten priorities and screams about family and homeland. It is not clear what kind of family and homeland in this case we are talking about ... And how to save those people and the country if the international financial octopus with their managers, ex-leaders of the country, have already sold the roof and walls of your house, and the current leader sold the spirit and soul of the people?
So maybe we should go back and get something useful from the source of the creation of mankind? Why do we need such progress and a world where vices are born, human mind is not valued (but everyone screams and admires artificial intelligence), where it has become common and easy even for minor children to change their orientation by cutting off or adding a phallus, where mothers dream of human incubators so that not to give birth by themselves? Why do we need a world where the mother does not even know the significance of her mission towards the people and the state, and the right to raise children predominantly is given to special schools? All current laws and rights only multiply and generate vicious phenomena in human society, and progress serves the interests of these creatures.
All the institutions in the world starting from the UN to the EAEU, mother institutions do not act at all or are being used for political PR purposes. Worldwide chaos due to the lack of authentic
priorities - this is how we can briefly characterize the current state of our planet.
A world without family values, world, where the interests of all states are based on
money, profit and own benefit- hopeless darkness and chaos comes there.
Today's politicians, entrepreneurs, bankers also have mothers, but judging by the world condition, it is already clear that in this case the mothers have completely forgotten about their mission, showing weakness, indulging their beloved children in everything and closing
eyes to how their children achieve success, rejoicing in their doubtful state and not bothering with the question, how many crippled destinies are on their accounts.
Previously the wars were being stopped by individuals endowed with human dignity,
intelligence and morality, today all leaders work for a system that prevents them from doing that. The humanity has been mired in self-mixed mud so much that can no longer get out of it by itself.
This has already reached to some mothers and intellectuals with a system of values, but not to the broad masses yet, but it’s not so important anymore. A philistine continues to dream of profit, makes plans for the "radiant future”, lays the foundation or raises the second floor of the
own house, which is already targeted by an atomic warhead.
Today we see how a modern man has been turned into a money slave, into an unscrupulous individual. How much the humanity and modern mothers have moved away from their sources and are not able to nurture and convey the most important human values to their kids anymore.
But the maternal gene is not completely killed, it is in protracted coma and it needs to be livened up as soon as possible. The elite of mothers who understand where the modern world heads, intends to reach out to this saving gene.
There are many ways and methods to corrupt the world and humanity. And if humanity manages to survive in the near future, there will be only one way of salvation -that’s to take a step back to the source of the universe, to revive the maternal gene, to demolish from the podium the coveted dollar, to bring back the classical culture, which was pushed aside by show business, to return spiritual and moral values of our great ancestors.
And it doesn't matter whether it is the 21st century or the Middle Ages, which continent or language, what norms, Constitutions or religions exist, only maternal feelings, love and values always remain common and unchanged for everyone. That is the one eternity that fills humanity with positive energy. So, let's not experiment humanity, let’s leave the right to give birth and raise children onwomen (and not on parent number 1 and 2 or on elite special schools) and take a step back to constant values. Because there is no other book written about a mother with the child she bore, that gave birth to humanity, turned out to be the more powerful.
Today I want to turn to scientific community with a request to discuss this topic and if possible furtherly outline in their writings the consequences of the destruction creed about 1000-2000 years ago of maternal significance. To analyze what blows, bloodshed and wars
were subjected to civilization, when pushing into the background or to third plan
the love and primacy of a mother and her child. Something tells me that every time this happens,
entire nations are being destroyed. I am sure that the result of these discussions will become what we are talking about. But our path is very hard, because the process of destruction of a mankind already enters its final phase, and along with this, a mother must believe that she is the person who can make a difference. And that is the most important.